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  1. Rank - this in your child's approximate place in line at a given point in time. This changes positively or negatively due to a variety of factors such as siblings, employee children, or people no longer interested.
  2. Lottery - this is the number of the lottery where you received your family number.
  3. Status - this refers to your priority i.e. S = Sibling, E = Employee children, A = Apple Valley residents and O = Outlying communities (all other cities)
  4. Family Number - this is the permanent number you received at your lottery.

Class Of 2026 - Updated February 26, 2025, 10:40 am

Rank Lottery Status Family Number
1 66 S 7
2 0 E 3
3 58 A 47
4 72 A 38
5 39 A 13
6 46 O 16
7 69 A 18
8 38 O 30
9 73 O 97
10 70 A 32
11 70 O 56
12 71 O 87
13 74 A 40
14 74 A 55
15 74 A 58
16 74 O 37
17 75 A 53
18 75 O 87
19 75 A 46
20 77 A 26
21 77 O 33
22 77 O 51
23 77 O 74
24 73 A 7
25 78 A 62
26 78 A 63
27 78 O 16